

I had posted many thing,and still posting now.but no one will noe my blog for these period of time.well,but i still post it with enthusiasm.
well,today,not only today lah..we had the science lesson.well,the teacher seems just graduated from NUS(same as yiming:P).He doesn't noe how to teach i think.we had learned cells,and in this chapter,we need to learn many new things,instead,countless things need to.
The teacher can't explain it too well,he always like to say"you just need to memorise this and i won't go into details"well,of coz we need to meomorise,but we don't even understand.then how to?
It's like死记硬背.erm..I don't like that!

Juz now,the computer 'hang' liao:(So I had to restart all the things.quite tiring lol.
Went to some of them's blogs and found that they all don't like that science teacher also.
pathetic teacher...i will pray for you.
I don't think there's many things to rite.

By the way,OUR AHS STADIUM was chosen by the singapore youth games for the basketball compeitition.haha:)

CALZ:If my life was going to be like this forever,i would be glad:P
