
2 more days.

Still left 2 more days,then i will tell you all my blog URL.
Looking forward SAT,and by the way, i am in the library now.
Enjoying the air-con and the smell.
Stomach is gumbling,i didn't have my lunch yet.
haha..not in the mood to eat or go back home.
Mum had a quarrel with both dad and sis,the house seemes too冷淡now.
About the acid incident yesterday,no one admits bout it.
So,coz of that, i think our punishment will start from tomorrow or maybe next week.
Pray for myself first,coz Yap, as you can guess,to clean two blocks isn't so easy(although is the whole class)
And Miss Lok played games with us today,and i got the prize which is sweets:P
Interesting game siah.

CALZ:I love you, no joke.
