
another day passed..

Erm..today's juz same as any other days..
this morning,Charlotte asked me if i had a blog,
I didn't tell her my URL..I will wait till 24th of jan.it's special day.
i wanted to make that day memorable.can't forget that day.
don't noe what to post now.nothing to rite.a bit tired.
well,gud luck to all YUMIN friends.i miss you all!!!
gud luck to myself also,cz juz found out something serious.
__BY the way,there's something made me quite angry that i wanted to sew up that person's mouth!
after school,i found ZhiWei(not the yumin one) in the canteen and i told him that i wanted the class namelist.
Guess wat The Other Person(forgot who was it)said,he said"志伟,你老婆啊?叫得这么亲热!''
OMG!!you noe it's in front of the other classmates and my friend!!!
Well,i don't even noe wat i have done!I juz told ZhiWei to pass me the class namelist,that's all!
For this moment,I hate TOP!!!The Other Person!!!really can't remember his face..XD

CALZ:I trust you so much,yet you betrayed me.All I want now is cry.
