

finished the swimming lesson juz now,and was reading blogs.
em,let me say something bout the swimming lesson first:)
IT'S TIRING!!!!my gosh,my whole body's aching now.
and we didn't even have a 5 minutes rest during the lesson,
and i actually don't mind bout being tiring,or had a slightly tan.
but i was so hungry then,going to starve to death.
then after the swimming lesson,juz as i was bout to go back,saw Mr Tong there,calling someone and said things like:应该是有人偷吧,可是他锁起来了。
the first thing appeared in my mind was that someone in our school had stolen something from others,but it ended up that YEWTONG'S BAG IS LOST!!(yewtong ,hope you won't mind i post this).so i want to apologize for suspecting that our school-mates had stolen things.
so,can we pray,pray that yewtong can find his bag or at least won't get scoldings from parents coz he's really anxious over this.
what's more,can we plz pray as a whole class?although,i am not a christian but i still think we had to help him,coz that's,actually the least we can do.If you all want to help some more,tell yewtong lor.

And then when i came back,i went to some of the AHS seniors' blogs and tagged at one of the seniors' blog,he's QH..haha..can't tell you who he is,or you all will get misunderstood.anyway,i didn't use my real name,i leave it as TT.(it has a meaning then,but forgot it straight away after i tagged:P)
anyway,i am juz telling him not to close down his blog,what a pity to close it,rite?
So,erm..it's quite a long post today..hahas..

GUD LUCK YewTong!!!:)

and before i end this post,a good news to tell you all,my mum agreed me to go to support the campus superstar.well,actually,i wanted to go only because it can come back at night.hahas

CALZ:GOD,can you please,please bless YewTong and help him also.Thanx:)Amen:)
