

juz now post a lots of pics.and had changed some stuff.Haha.
erm..tomorrow is sunday.have to stay at home,doing nothing:(
Next week has eng and maths test.
gosh,cant i juz caught a flu and not going to school.
what the...
so hungry now..but dont want to eat.
oh,juz starve myself to death.
the life's lame and boring and meaningless now.
well,i have to surf around and found nothing really got my interest.
yesterday,stay in school for hours,if i am not wrong,is 5 hours and 15 minutes?maybe..
anyways,it's nice to stay in school,play loitering around.chatting with friends.
hehe..nat's birthday is coming soon,rite?
em..look forward to my B'day.
Haha,wondered what i will do on that day?
one thing that i can be sure is, i will definitely make that day special.
special in what terms or what ways,i have no ideas.
even it's a small difference also considered as special mah.
something to do.......

CALZ:this S***** life.
