
i have to post

well,i didn't post for quite a long time.
so have to mention really many things here.
believe me,i absolutely don't wanna say a word about it.
first of all,and is the most important one is the "GANM" incident.
i hope you all know the short form and can understand my meaning,
they quarrelled and so what after that,i supposed you all know.
but still,i dont like that.i still want them to be together like what they did before.
feeling so confused over this things and i dont noe how to help.
help who then?which side?eh?
now,i am like the middle person and they still talk to me then.
then my other two friends also quarrelled with each other.
alos my friend broke up with her boyfriend but was together again!
she juz told me this news yesterday,and i am so elated to announce it now.
well,they broke up last wednesday,it's partly my fault also.
i told merry,gigi,Al,ange.they all noe this.oh,zach also.
so i wont repeat that again.
well,i shall end the post it.
quite depressed.
my god!!

CALZ:life is so messy.
