
many things(so forgive me)


well,zach is really not that type of person.i mean bad or whatsoever you might wanna say.
i have being with him for 6 years,1d,2a,3a,4a,5a,6a, sec 1 respect.
so i absolutely understand him very well or at least i think so.

To YiTian:thanx for saying i am trying to pull you all together.i took it as a compliment and i will try my best in future also.yet,pls dont say zach bout all those stuffs.
i think i didn't make myself clear in the previous post which is on class blog.
we had the class chairman meeting straight after you fought with chuyan that day,if you still remember.
Zach then told me not to tell mr tong about this because he believed you will change,so he don't want you to get any green forms.i think even if you hate him now,you still have to thank him for this.it's after all up to you,i am not forcing.juz dont want to misunderstand him.but whether to forgive,it's still your choice.Hope,really hope you could make the right choice,not out of anger or whatsoever.

To YiXuan,you still dont understand.not even 1/100000000.you noe how disappointing it was when i saw what you had tagged?you said (in case you had forgotten)
Yixuan: please la, you monitor, so what? everytime tell us dont eat in class.
Yixuan: end up? ownself eat in class
Yixuan: mengjiao says u never complain to mr tong our class got anything wrong or not
Yixuan: then i found out, you jus scared you ownself kenna green form
Yixuan: from mr tong.

haha.i really want to laugh at your words.
we could easily tell mr tong that yitian fought with chuyan.we can easily said it's all yitian's fault.and noe what,mr tong believes all the chairpersons.he didn't even bother to really check it out.and by the way,zach ate in class only happened quite recently,according to what i remember. so,tell me how is it possible for him to afraid.
in case,you dont noe.i have to remind you,you have no chance to talk to mr tong unless you go to find him personally.coz as you noe,there's no student meeting.:P
what i refered to is the fighting!!!pls understand everything before you jump to conclusion.
Yixuan,i am really sorry if my words are harsh and hurt you.I dont mind to change a bit if you tell me:)

To the others who are going to dislike Zach: if you decided to,pls hope that god will bless you.coz if zach resigned,i will be the first one to suggest you all.then i will lead the whole class to show disrespect to you.coz i juz want you to feel how is it like.
Don't blame me.
it's not that we like to shout,pls i got sore throat,in case you all dont noe.tell you all now,i have to drink that kind of things which protect my throat.it's juz so pain!

i will stop here.i am sorry if anything's offensive.i dont mean it but i suppose that's the only way to let you all noe how serious it is.
that's why i enlarged the words and all kinds of thing.
once again,1-respect,pls respect.
and still,maybe zach's words could be really harsh.try to understand him.
i suggest you all to watch '一公升的眼泪'.
and remember something Aya said,"我想让我的青春不留下悔恨,要很快乐的渡过,珍惜这一切。"


To those people whom i wanted to specially thanks:
♥ange,for inviting me to her open house today.
♥Gigi and Nat,for asking me to group with them everytime so i don't to worry to group with who.
♥Jamie and Joanne,for teaching me maths when i dont noe.
♥YuanYing,for lending me science notes otherwise i could have failed.
♥Cheryl,for designing such a nice class tee(my parents also said very nice.and they said that hot pink + black is really great!)
♥Alina,for excusing me to hand in maths homework when i dont noe how to do.
♥Roger,for helping to shout everytime especially when i rushed to the class and have no breathe.
♥Zach,for helping me to solve all kinds of problems.

Merry,for giving all those kinds of smiles that cheer me up.
♥JiaYu,Jumper,YiTian,Ken,for saying some nice things to me sometimes or only once.

♥YingJia,for asking me if i was ok when i dont actually look ok.
♥and also other respect-people.thanx a loads.maybe you had done some sweet little things but i dont remember.so i apologise for that.

CALZ:事无善恶,思想使然—by Shakespear
